Diet Scotland offers Dietetic intervention that is evidence based reliable and professional. In sickness or in health a dietetic assessment can exert a substantial impact on your quality of life, health and well being.
We operate in the private sector as Diet Scotland, offering evidence based advice, guidance and compassion.
We are State Registered Dietitians qualified to deal with most clinical conditions. As Health Care Professionals we can, with your permission, communicate with your GP or hospital and refer on in the event of any situation being out with our realms of expertise.
We do not ask you to fill out pages of unnecessary information our clinical background enables us to take detailed but specific relevant information and ask the right questions at the right time.
Diet Scotland is now seeing patients via telephone or virtual clinics using Zoom as well as our face to face appointments. This will extend our reach and availability to less mobile individuals.
As part of the Morphfit (BMF) 8 week programme Diet Scotland contributes the dietary element of this 8 week experience that has been tried, tested and proven effective over 19 years within the NHS arena, corporate and the private sectors. Bodymorphfitness will take you through a fitness and health regime tailored to your abilities. We can improve immobility,decrease high blood pressure, stabilise blood glucose levels, decrease cholesterol levels and address many other risk factors for ill health that tend to occur as we age. We ensure appropriate advice and education for your situation and abilities and we do it with a big smile.
There is growing attention being paid to the content of our diets, a huge drive to decrease meat and animal products, if this is how you want to develop your relationship with food, have a chat with us and we can guide you through sensible change that will improve your general health and well being, safely……We can help!
The gut Biome! How healthy is your gut? Emerging evidence rates our gut biome as another organ. Not only does the health of our intestines affect how we physically feel, how we store fat, how we burn calories, it also is pivotal in stabilising mood, reducing anxiety and many other aspects of physical and mental health. Diet Scotland can guide you, to improve the flora in your gut, no pills or potions or fads…using food….. We can help!
Covid-19 has affected us in many ways, loss of taste and smell, loss of appetite, loss of spark, increased anxiety and stress… We can help!
For some though, loneliness has meant the opposite. Over occupation with food, inability to stick to a plan, overeating, excess drinking, binge eating and often a feeling of loss of control……….We can help!